Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Praise to the Zen Volunteers of Laguna Honda
Praise Laguna Honda for the opportunity
to speak with those astute people in three shifts throughout the day.
Praise the Volunteers for knowing a little bit about everything
to keep me stimulated.

Praise them for being aware of the self,
As it's the material
That concerns me the most.

Thanks for the consoling influence they have on all of us.
Thanks for their over-concern even when it’s unnecessary
and for knowing when to let it go.

I can’t imagine there being any other place—
outside of an academic setting—
where this would exist.
We all seem cut from the same jib
and that’s a very good place to be.

Many assorted peers, all part of the soup
I drink daily, 
That sustains me and keeps me always wanting more.
I count myself as one of the chosen few
Not in an addicted way
But as in one of great fortune.
They help me to find the sunshine
in a seemingly mundane setting.
In the sometimes chaotic gardens that can be here.

Paul Hendrickson

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