Sunday, December 25, 2011

TEXT - Games People Play

Games People Play
---I’m sure that everyone remembers the hit song called, ‘’Games People Play.’’ It was a song done by many artists from Dolly Parton to Conway Twitty. My own memory goes to Joe South. The reggae group…’’Inner Circle,’’ had a hit with the song, also.
---As the title implies…it is about the games people play. This is as true NOW as it was when the song was written in the 1960’s. People have a very hard time telling the truth. We don’t want to look bad or we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings or whatever reason we use…we hedge on the facts.
---The fact is this…we only get hurt if the fact being kept from us happens to be more than we can handle. The immortal Jack Nicholson line comes into play - ‘’you can’t handle the truth.’’
---I’m NOT saying that we should all start telling the truth and that the truth will make us free. You have all heard that. I’m saying this - when we talk to someone, are we more concerned with saving face or being honest. My experience is that most save face and are not honest.
---In an age where self discovery seems to keep one with the status quo, lying to yourself…about yourself, goes against the grain. Owning up to one’s own so-called flaws, keeps one on the pulse of life. It is okay not to be perfect. Come down from the mountaintops and start interacting. Our toughness shows up in how well we handle those things that embarrass us. Stop projecting and assuming and begin living.
---The question is this…do we play games with others or do we tell the truth? Be Well!

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